October 21, 2022
Author: Adam Collins Review: Is it a Scam or Legit?

Gifting and giveaway scams are widespread on the internet Since many people will jump at the opportunity to get a free gift, it is easy for scammers to lure in victims.

In this review, we will take a look at and analyze it to get as much information as possible to know if it's a scam or not. Let’s dive in, shall we?

Xbounty user experience

The website interface is quite complex with only scarce information available. For starters, the desktop version does not work, with users being directed to the mobile version.


This seems strange as most websites are now desktop and mobile-enabled. It looks like a deliberate effort to force people to use their mobile phones, for some unknown reasons. The desktop version has some grammatical errors, which shows the owners never proofread the site.

On the mobile version, one would expect the site to have clearly outlined its goals and mission as well as other important bits of information. But on the contrary, they only direct you by telling you where to click. 

We could not find any contact information or a general explanation of how the site works. Plus, the site does not allow screenshots to be taken. This overlaps with what we see with other gifting scams that tend to be secretive. After a series of clicking the “GET NOW”, and “SELECT CODE” links, a clear picture emerges. One has to download a few apps and spend time there so as to get the “final” five characters of the supposed gift card. Again, this is similar to what we see with gifting scams.

The psychological pressure

Throughout, the process, it's clear to see the site is pressuring users to quickly download the apps so as to get the gift cards. After selecting the gift card amount, the screen shows a certain number of remaining cards. Even after selecting the card, they give you around 10 minutes for you to finish the process and download the apps. 

This kind of psychological pressure is quite common with scammers who want to mentally pressure you so as to make rushed decisions. After all, if you are after the gift card, you will be willing to wait and follow the due process without being rushed.

The reviews

We could not find a lot of reviews online about The only reviews we found were on ScamAdviser where the site had an overall rating of 1.8/5 stars. 


Most of the reviews had serious doubts about the legitimacy of the site. There were no other reviews on other sites and Xbounty has no social media handles.

Bottom line

In conclusion, there are a lot of red flags that cast huge doubts on the legitimacy of the site. The desktop version does not work while the mobile version has scarce information. The fact that one needs to download some apps so as to get a gift card is similar overlaps with what we see with gifting scams. The few reviews we found we negative and the lack of contact information does not help build any confidence. Caution is urged while seeking a gift card from

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