February 12, 2024
Author: Adam Collins Review: Fact or Fiction?

At ScamAdvser, we're always on the lookout for websites gaining attention. When a platform starts buzzing, we dive right in to uncover any hidden risks or scams.

Among the hottest searches is, an online platform that promises to supercharge your Instagram followers. The burning question on everyone's mind: Is the real deal, or just another online scam? Join us as we unravel the mystery and separate fact from fiction!

How Does Work?

Upon landing on's website, I was greeted with bold promises of organic follower growth and engagement. They boasted about their use of AI technology to attract genuine Instagram users, without resorting to bots or fake accounts.


However, despite their claims, the inner workings of their system remained unclear. There was no clear explanation of the steps involved or transparency regarding how they get you new followers. Despite mentioning influencers, there was a distinct lack of concrete evidence to support their claims. They don’t say which influencers they use or how many people they have. It left me wondering if their promises were too good to be true. Exaggerated Numbers

One of the first red flags I encountered was the discrepancy between's boasted statistics and its online presence. They proudly flaunted figures like 27,500+ users and 5.4 million followers gained, yet a quick search on trusted review sites yielded minimal results.


There were scant reviews on platforms like Trustpilot or ScamAdviser, casting doubt on the validity of their claims. Furthermore, I noticed claims to be featured by reputable websites like Forbes and Business Insider though these claims were unverifiable, raising suspicions about the authenticity of their endorsements.


High-Pressure Sales Tactics

Navigating through's website, I couldn't ignore the prevalent use of high-pressure sales tactics. Countdown timers for "New Year's flash sales" and pop-ups highlighting recent customer purchases created a sense of urgency. Such tactics often raise suspicions, leaving users feeling coerced into making impulsive decisions.


Negative Customer Reviews

Despite's attempts to showcase positive reviews on their platform, my investigation led me to a trove of negative feedback from unhappy customers. One particularly damning review on ScamAdviser noted, “The company sure is a scam. They offer "Real Instagram followers * High engaging users * Organic growth that lasts" but just after a few days we had to pull the plug - we only gained generic fake Instagram accounts that followed us, not a single one remotely from our target market (musicians, or more specific, drummers). When setting up a two-week trial time, they ask for a credit card, which is being checked for accuracy, but we were not yet charged…”


In the other damning review, I noticed customers were concerned that there was no option to opt-out. This is very rare with legit businesses that give users options to opt-out should they be unhappy with the services offered.


Bottom Line: Is a Scam?

After a thorough investigation, it's evident that raises significant red flags and exhibits characteristics synonymous with scams. From opaque operating procedures to exaggerated statistics and coercive sales tactics, the signs of deceit are glaring. 

Though growing social media followers is paramount to any business, no one should take advantage of this and dupe them. There are more legitimate ways businesses can attract followers. 

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or needs to include relevant information, please contact using this form.

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