January 16, 2024
Author: Adam Collins

The Undying Legacy: Jeffrey Epstein Email Scams Returns

Jeffrey Epstein may have died in 2019, but this is not stopping scammers from using his name to con people. As with any other newsworthy story, scammers do all they can to milk the current popular story. When Bitdefender uncovered the emails, it felt unbelievable. Could this really happen online? In the current shenanigans, scammers are posing as Jeffrey Epstein’s financial advisor and sending unsolicited emails. 

Read on as we discuss how a deceased man’s name is being dragged from the grave straight into your inbox.

The Dark Art of Email Scams: Exploiting the Epstein Narrative

The sender of the cunning emails claims he is in charge of the $35 million estate and wants to share with you, 50-50. Would you believe that? A complete stranger in charge of a multimillion-dollar fortune wants to share?


The email reads; 


I am [REDACTED] an Asian investment manager and personal financial adviser to late Mr. Jeffrey Epstein of USA who committed suicide while in detention. This message is regarding his estate ($35.2m) which is presently in a bank somewhere. I want to front you as the Next-of-Kin to the deceased since he died without leaving a WILL. At the successful completion of my proposal, the bank will release the funds and have it transferred into your bank account. We are going to share the ($35.2m) on 50:50% formula. I will give you details concerning the funds once you indicate interest to proceed with me. I look forward to your urgent response.”

If you think this is too good to be true, it’s because it is. There is no financial advisor who would go looking for strangers on the internet to share Jeffrey Epstein’s estate with. This is a classic advance fee scam that claims a fortune is on its way to you. The only catch? You need to pay for “administration fees” or “Processing fees” in advance hence why it's called Advance fee scams.

How to recognize advance fee scams

Just like any other type of scam, there are several telltale signs of advance fee scams. Here are some of them; 

Too Good to Be True Deals

You can expect scammers to come up with the most unbelievable story ever told by a man. In this case, it is the sharing of Jeffrey Epstein’s $32.5 million estate. They also tend to be more convincing like stating that Jeffrey Epstein did not have a will and hence why the estate is being shared.

Upfront Payments Required

One of the key indicators of advance fee scams is the demand for upfront payments. Scammers might ask for processing fees, legal fees, or taxes to facilitate the release of the supposed inheritance. Legitimate inheritances or financial transactions typically don't require upfront payments.

Unsolicited Communication

Scammers often initiate contact via unsolicited emails or messages. Be particularly cautious if these messages come from free email accounts such as Gmail or Outlook. Legitimate entities handling substantial financial matters usually communicate through official channels.


Emails with Spelling and Grammar Issues

Scam emails often contain spelling and grammar errors. These mistakes can be a deliberate tactic to filter out more skeptical individuals, leaving those who may be more susceptible to the scam.

Request for Personal Information

Scammers may request sensitive personal information, such as your bank details or Social Security number, under the guise of completing the transaction. Legitimate entities would not ask for such information upfront, especially via unsolicited communications.

Unverifiable Claims

Claims that cannot be easily verified or substantiated, such as assertions that Epstein did not leave a will, should raise suspicion. Scammers may exploit the lack of readily available information to weave convincing but false narratives.

Bottom Line: Avoiding Jeffrey Epstein's Email Scam

One of the best ways you can protect yourself is by refraining from replying to such emails. No matter how interesting it sounds or whether you want to mess with the sender, resist the urge to engage with the email. Replying can inadvertently signal to scammers that your email address is active and that you might be a potential target for further scams.

Additionally, approach any and every financial proposition with a healthy dose of skepticism. Remember the wise Chinese saying: "No pie in the sky will fall on your lap." Be wary of unsolicited offers, especially those promising large sums of money. Anyone claiming to give you money is likely targeting your hard-earned money in return.

Stay cautious and informed to reduce the risk of falling victim to scams, including those exploiting the infamous name of Jeffrey Epstein.

Image Source:Handout/Reuters

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