January 3, 2022
Author: Nichlaus O. A Betting Enthusiast’s Review appears to be a live betting site for agents and players. Some links given on the site homepage dont work such as: “Google Plus”  and “Contact Us” link. This could simply be that the site is still being developed, but this is unlikely as the domain name was registered in January 2021.  

The facebook link leads to one Hisoka Kuhn a.k.a vincepogi. And that is a deliberate setting. 


Rather strange that a business site leads to an individual’s social media page. 

Yet there is another page that seems to be the bona fide page as seen here on Facebook: 


The s888 facebook banner reveals that the site deals in live betting which requires financial transactions. The page was created in May 2021. Login

The login is available only for clients who already have accounts with no provision to sign up for new clients. Links from facebook direct to the site for you to sign up for the live betting. But when you put in your information you get the message that you should contact an agent. 

Quite frustrating to a betting enthusiast. You can’t just be taking people round in circles. I gave up after three tries. seems to be a closed circle of a secretive betting ring that only allows in people known to the so-called “agents”. 

One Bad Review on ScamAdviser

I also found a guy who had a similar feeling as me about the secretive nature of Here is the review he left on ScamAdviser. 




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The translated text reads: 

“there is something, that is fraud in the game, when your bet is 500 above sometimes the player's win is not added to the points sometimes it is less .. in the log report there are times that are wrong .. so as an agent I can't prove to the player that it really happened yun .. pero sa actual mo..”

At this point I realized that would probably deny me the chance to bet through a fair and transparent platform, so I left it alone. 

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