September 20, 2022
Author: Adam Collins Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

With an increase in online shopping scams, its only fair for consumers to look for as much information as possible. There are many online shopping stores and separating legit businesses from scams can be a tall order. is an online store that focuses on a variety of products such as Women'swomen’s clothes men’s clothes and children's slides. But are they legit or a scam? We went on a deep dive and have the following review.

Mixing up languages

Most legit businesses will take the layout and appearance of their site seriously. With, they seem to have mixed up languages on their site. Some parts of the website are in Polish while others are in English.


This could be a plot to mislead people that it is a Polish business by using a local language. But there is no mention of the site being operated from Poland anywhere on the website. Using a local language is a common trick by scammers who try to lure unsuspecting consumers.

Unrealistic prices

Companies use flash sales and clearance sales once in a while to entice customers. But when the deal is too good, it raises a few eyebrows. Scammers use this common trick to lure people into making quick purchases before the so-called deals end.


Though there is nothing wrong with low prices, when the prices so too low, it becomes suspicious. is selling most of their products at unbelievably low prices which does little to win the confidence of shoppers.

Similar layout

While its not wrong for two websites to have similar layout, it becomes suspicious when most of the content and layout is similar. With, they seem to be share a lot more than layouts with other sites like and


Looks like they are a part of a network of dubious webshops that are recycling their content over and over.

Confusing information

Most legit businesses will be clear with their information as they have nothing to hide. When it comes to, they seem to show some conflicting information.

Firstly, they claim they are in Hong Kong on the about us page but on the contact us section, they are in Bradford. 


Again, on the “About us” page, they give as their official email but on the “contact us” page, they give another email.

This is another common trait that we see with many dubious sites who give conflicting information so that it becomes harder to contact or even find them. 

Bottom line has a lot of characteristics that overlap with what we see with other scams. The huge price drops are suspicious while the conflicting information makes it harder to track them. The different languages used add to the confusion while the multiple email IDs mean you will have a hard time tracking them.

While shopping at, caution should be exercised. There are no reviews to know what other customers have gone through.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.

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