March 22, 2023
Author: Adam Collins Review: Is it Legit or a Scam?

Online shopping can get a little murky at times, hence, when we got a lot of inquiries on ScamAdviser about, we decided to take a look. is an online shop that offers a wide range of products and claims that they are: “a small but cutting-edge company dedicated to sourcing.” However, are they legit or a scam? Let's dive in, shall we?

Contact Details

According to the information I found on their contact us page, they claim their email address is As you can notice, this is a free email account that can be created by just about anyone. 


This is common with scammers who want to make it hard for customers to get in touch. In most cases, emails go unanswered or are given minimal attention.

Who Owns

According to the information I found, claims to be owned by Landbase Trading Company Limited, which is based in Wales. Funny enough, that information is in the form of a picture to make it harder for people to do their due diligence.


Landbase Trading Company Limited is a registered company in the UK, but the listed addresses on the website and the information on the Company House are totally different. On the website, they claim to be in Cardiff, Walles, but on the Company House, Landbase Trading Company Ltd. is based in Cambridge, England. That’s not all, the information on the Company House shows that the company is owned by 2 Chinese nationals which could indicate that is part of a Chinese syndicate of online shopping scams. They register one company, which is used as an umbrella by many fake online stores.


Copied Website Content

When I searched for a phrase I found in the “About Us” section of the webshop, I was shocked to see it appear on many other websites. I searched the phrase, “We use innovative chemistry with modern design craftsmanship to consistently set the standard for Daily necessities, household goods, etc.”


The same phrase appears on many other websites, which further backs our claims that is likely to be part of a larger syndicate of Chinese scammers. We have written extensively about sites like and, which use similar tactics and content. 

The similarities with dubious sites do not end there, as I noticed that most of their products start with the name Bluedias. I was curious to know what it meant only to realize it was the name of yet another suspicious site called, which has a low trust rating on ScamAdviser.


Other Notable Signs

I could not find any reviews about the site on popular websites like ScamAdviser, Trustpilot and SiteJabber. The website was registered in March 2023, which makes it a relatively new website, which is always harder to trust as there is limited information.


I could not find any social media handles on the website and my search on Facebook was futile. I found this strange as most web shops now take to social media to upscale their businesses.

Bottom Line

Overall, we doubt the legitimacy of the It has a lot of similarities with most scam websites, which is never a good sign. For instance, the site claims to be owned by a company in the UK. The company in question is owned by Chinese nationals, which raises suspicion that the company may be part of a larger scam network. The location listed for the registered company is different from what we found in the Companies House data.

There are no customer reviews and the email ID provided is a free Gmail address that anybody can create. They also seem to refer to another name or brand, Bluedias, throughout the listed items, which is also suspicious. The site is very young and does not have any social media footprint.

Caution is advised when shopping at as it has characteristics that overlap with those of scam websites.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.



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