July 7, 2020
Author: James Greening

Is a Scam or Legit? | Website Review

Website Information

Official Domain

Registered on

Thu Duc, Vietnam

Not provided

Alexa Rank
3,216,921 (Low)

Website Speed

Other Websites on Server
240 other websites on this server

VivianTees was among the most-searched websites last month on Scamadviser and more than 500 users tried to know whether it is legit or a scam. The website sells t-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies with funny designs on them.

Though the domain VivianTees has been registered in November 2018, website data shows that it has picked up traffic only around December 2019. The website had no traffic between June 2019 and November 2019. It also has a low Alexa rank which indicates that it is not a popular website.


VivianTees’ website design is as bare-bones as it gets. The only pages on the website are the home page and individual product pages. There is no information given about policies such as Shipping and Returns. There isn’t even an About Us page which gives a background about the company. The content on the website is random and only seems to exist for search engine optimization.

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It doesn’t even seem to be a full-fledged e-commerce shop as you cannot order anything through the website. All the t-shirts on VivianTees show a price of $22.99. The designs are not original and can be found on several other online shops. Some of the designs are no longer available as trying to purchase those leads to the message ‘This Campaign has been closed and is no longer available.’

Clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button for any product redirects to another website called Moteefe ( where the order actually needs to be placed. Moteef seems to be a third-party company located in the United Kingdom that prints any design uploaded by the user.

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In the footer of VivianTees, the payment methods are mentioned as VISA, PayPal, Stripe, MasterCard and Cash on Delivery. However, the checkout process is handled by Moteefe and they do not offer the option of Cash on Delivery. Moteefe handles the whole process from checkout to delivery and they have their own policies. For example, they charge extra for shipping and the cost of returns have to borne by customers except in some cases. Another point to note is that even though VivianTees displays a single price of $22.99 for all the products, the prices actually vary as per the type of clothing chosen.

From this information, it can be gathered that the only purpose of VivianTees is to drive traffic to Moteefe. As per the agreement between Moteefe and VivianTees, it is the responsibility of VivianTees to create a design and market the items, while Moteefe takes care of printing and logistics. For all intents and purposes, customers are purchasing products from Moteefe and not VivianTees.

Company Information

Email ID
Not provided

Phone Number
Not provided

Not provided

Not provided

Social Media Profiles
Not provided

Scamadviser Verification
The Scamadviser page of VivianTees has not been claimed by the company.

There is no information available about who manages VivianTees as there is nothing given on the website. Moteefe also does not have a profile page for sellers where customers can find out information about them. VivianTees also doesn’t seem to have any social media pages where it promotes the products, which is odd for an online clothing store.

User Reviews

Since it is clear by now that customers are dealing with VivianTees as well as Moteefe, it is important to look at the user reviews for both.

VivianTees has a score of 1/5 based on 2 reviews. There is only one detailed review on Scamadviser which mentions that the provided address is not legitimate. I found no address on VivianTees, so it must have been removed by the time this article was written. No reviews could be found on external websites. You can read the user reviews for VivianTees here.

Moteefe has a rating of 3.9/5 based on 39,693 reviews across TrustPillot, Scamadviser and SiteJabber. The rating on TrustPilot is much higher compared to the other sites and 21% of the ratings are 1-star or 2-star. On Scamadviser and SiteJabber, the rating for Moteefe is 1/5 and 1.2/5 respectively. Common complaints include non-delivery, wrong sizes, sub-par quality and unauthorized use of copyrighted designs. You can read the user reviews for Moteefe here.


There is a high likelihood of having a bad shopping experience with VivianTees and Moteefe.

Scamadviser’s algorithms have given both VivianTees and Moteefe low Trust Scores of 10%, indicating that it is risky to shop on these websites. You can learn more about VivianTees’ Trust score here. Visit this page for more information about Moteefe’s Trust Score.

VivianTees is simply a website created by someone who has an account on Moteefe. Anyone can create an account there and upload any design they wish. Moteefe does not take responsibility for checking whether the user has the requisite rights or license to use the design. As a result, users like VivianTees can pick up any design which is available publically and ask them to be printed.

Moteefe has extra charges for shipping and returns which is not mentioned anywhere on VivianTees’ website. VivianTees also does not mention that prices vary as per the type of clothing. Therefore, clothing items which are supposedly offered for the price of $22.99 end up costing more at checkout, which some may find deceptive. Customers who are unhappy with the delivered product also have to pay for shipping the item back. These policies are not customer-friendly and can lead to a sub-par shopping experience. There is also no cash-on-delivery option as claimed on VivianTees.

While Moteefe seems to be a legitimate company which does deliver ordered products, it has its share of complaints. Additionally, it might not be a good idea to order the products through VivianTees. The designs seem to be plagiarized and the website does not make any attempt to provide contact information. This means that VivianTees’ own customer service is non-existent and it operates using a quasi-dropshipping model. There is no attempt by Moteefe to provide transparency about the seller either, which makes it a risky proposition to shop with VivianTees.

Learn More

Unlike shopping at physical stores, online shopping doesn’t give you the chance to look at and hold the products before you decide to buy. Read the articles below to know the steps that you can take for a safe and pleasant online shopping experience.

Marketplace & Platform Scams

How to Recognize a Scam - Deals That Are Too Good to be True

How to Recognize a Scam - Fake Reviews

7 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Chinese Stores

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