February 27, 2024
Author: Adam Collins

Is Legit or a Scam? is an online trading platform that has generated a lot of interest on ScamAdviser. Many have wondered if, is legit or a scam. Well, join us as we uncover some concerning aspects such as exaggerated registration dates and high return rates. You don’t want to miss this!

When Was Registered?

On their About Us page, I noticed they claim to have been started in 2020. The statement reads, “ Our organization has evolved significantly since its inception in July 2020…”


However, when I checked on Whois LookUp and ScamAdviser, I was shocked to see the website was registered in February 2024. Scam websites have been known to exaggerate registration dates as older websites tend to be more believable. In the past, we have covered several dubious websites using similar tactics such as and


Additionally, when I checked their Terms of Use, I was stunned to see they are updated in September 2023. Did they already have the terms of use before registering their website or did they use somebody else Terms of Use?


On top of that, they also claim that have over 10 years of experience and have over 1500 employees with a trade volume of $2 billion a day. All this sounds exaggerated considering they have barely been registered for a month at the time of writing this review.


Where Are The Customer Reviews?

For a website that claims to have millions of users and a decade of experience, I struggled to find any customer reviews. I checked on popular review websites such as Trustpilot, Sitejabber, and ScamAdviser to no avail.


The lack of customer reviews does little to boost the already fragile user confidence.

Where is Registered?

Most countries and territories require trading platforms to be registered by relevant bodies before they can start trading. However, I could not find any mention of where was registered. This is highly suspicious and does little to legitimize as most legit trading platforms will proudly display their registration certificate or documents. 

Interstingly, they have withheld the registration details of the admins and registrants on which, though not unusual, is suspect. There is no telling where they are based or if they are registered or not. This is damaging to the already dwindling investor confidence.


Bottom Line: Is a scam?

Overall, there is a higher possibility that may be a scam. They claim their inception date was July 2020 though it turns out their website was registered in February 2024. What was going on between 2020 and 2024? Likely, they are just exaggerating their start date to sound more legitimate.

On the same website, they claim to have over 10 years of experience with millions of customers from across the globe. However, I struggled to find any meaningful customer feedback which is a huge red flag for a company that claims to be that popular. I could not find any registration details or details of the owners or where they are based which makes us doubt the legitimacy of

Proceed with caution when dealing with Cryptocurrency trading is filled with scammers at every turn which is why you need to keep your wits to recognize them.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.

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