November 18, 2020
Author: James Greening

Is a Scam or Legit? | Website Review is a website that claims to offer miscellaneous products including electronics and children’s toys. The website has been trying to capitalize on the shopping season by heavily advertising on social media. Therefore, we have done an in-depth review for the benefit of our users.

Website Information

Official Domain

Registered on



Not provided


Not provided

Alexa Rank


Website Speed

No data is an online shopping store that was registered on 5th November 2020. No details about the registrant, such as name, location and contact details, have been made available publicly. Therefore, the domain information provides no transparency about who is operating the website. It has an Alexa rank of more than 3.3 million, which is very low but still remarkable for a website that is so new. The main source of traffic seems to be social media ads, particularly Facebook, as ads for their Interactive Unicorn product have been appearing a lot on the platform.

The website looks to be of extremely poor quality as the home page is completely empty except for a stock image of a shopping mall. The content on the rest of the website mainly consists of product descriptions. The home page also states that it is holding a Clearance Sale, which makes no sense as the website is barely 13 days old at the time of writing this article.

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The prices on the website are also too good to be true, which is often the most obvious sign of a scam. The price of the Interactive Unicorn being advertised by the website is almost 85% lower than what can be found on legitimate websites such as Amazon.


It is not just the price of the product that is suspicious, but the product itself. The Interactive Unicorn toy scam seems to be a seasonal scam that is run by Chinese websites around the end of the year when people are usually on a shopping spree. This article by The Sun details how thousands of shoppers were duped by a Hong Kong-based scam syndicate known as Order Plus International pretending to sell the same toy. What customers received instead was a far cry from the high-end toy that was advertised.

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The checkout process on the website is extremely suspicious too. While the product pages mention a maximum discount of 20% on the purchase of at least 4 products, a discount of 50% is automatically offered at the end of the checkout process. A timer of roughly 1 minute also appears to give a false sense of urgency so that the customer makes the payment in a hurry.

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Company Information

Email ID

Not provided

Phone Number

Not provided


Not provided

Social Media Profiles

None found

Scamadviser Verification

The Scamadviser page of Targetdeals has not been claimed by the company. provides absolutely no information about itself. There is no About Us page and the Contact Us page only has a contact form. No details such as a phone number, email ID or address have been provided. Even the company name mentioned in the Terms & Conditions page is fake.

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Though does not have its own social media pages, it has been found to be running advertisements through other pages such as Wow Mart on Facebook.

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Source: Sponsored Ads Exposed (Facebook)

User Reviews

There are no customer reviews available for, which is not surprising as it is a new website. The website is most likely operated from China or Hong Kong and the products shipped from these countries generally take a month to arrive. 


There is an extremely high likelihood that is a scam. 

It has a Trust Score of 1% on Scamadviser, indicating that it is extremely risky to shop on this website. The website is of extremely low quality and the content seems to be copied from legitimate websites. The prices being offered by are almost 85% lower than those on trusted websites. Such incredible prices commonly signal a bait-and-switch scam. The website is less than two weeks old, yet claims to be holding a Clearance Sale. is heavily advertising an Interactive Unicorn toy on Facebook through surrogate pages such as Wow Mart. This product in particular has been the subject of a major scam around the same time last year. is selling the product which actually costs $400 for just $65, but customers who have been scammed by the same kind of ad in the past received an inflatable pony of poor quality.

The checkout page creates a false sense of urgency by displaying a 1 minute timer to hasten the payment process. A discount of 50% is also offered on the purchase of an additional product, even though the rest of the website mentions a maximum discount of 20% on the purchase of at least 4 items. provides no company information or contact information and there is not even a return address. 

It is advisable to avoid shopping on as it does not seem to be a genuine store. Consumers should also be wary of any Facebook ads offering an Interactive Unicorn toy at low prices.

Learn More

Targetdeals is one among countless e-commerce stores which put a low priority on customer satisfaction. It is important to exercise caution when shopping online to avoid losing your money or ending up unhappy with your purchase. To know more about how you can have a pleasant online shopping experience while ordering from Chinese ecommerce stores, read the article 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Chinese Stores.

Read our reviews of other dodgy online clothing stores:

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