November 25, 2020
Author: James Greening

Is a Scam or Legit? | Website Review

Stardressy is a website that claims to offer women’s clothing items. The website has consistently been among the most-searched websites on Therefore, we have done an in-depth review for the benefit of our users.

Website Information

Official Domain

Registered on



Not provided


Not provided

Alexa Rank

No data

Website Speed

No data

Stardressy is an online women’s clothing store selling a variety of clothing items such as sweaters, dresses, tops, swimwear and more. The domain name was registered on 10th July 2019 and the registrant’s details such as name, location and contact details have been hidden for privacy. The website is in French, but there are some instances of poor translation which suggest that it may not actually be run by a French company.

Though the domain name has been registered only in 2019, the footer of the website claims that it has been active since 2010, which is clearly a lie.


The products being sold on the website don’t seem to be original, as they are also available on at least one other website called Chicseven.

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Curiously, Chicseven is also in French and uses the same text as Stardressy on the About Us page. This text claims that Stardressy has been active since 2018, which is once again a lie.


We translated the text into English and found that there is another website called Unnichic that is also using the same content. This indicates that Stardressy may be part of a network of websites set up by the same owners.

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Company Information

Email ID

Phone Number

Not provided


Not provided

Social Media Profiles

Facebook (page created on 18th July 2019) -

Instagram (no posts) -

Pinterest (no posts) -

Scamadviser Verification

The Scamadviser page of Stardressy has not been claimed by the company.

Stardressy does not provide any contact or company details on the website. The Contact Us page only contains the link to an online form. No phone number, email ID or address has been given. There is not even a return address given on the Returns Policy page.


As we saw above, Stardressy uses the same content as other websites. We checked those websites for company information and found that there are even more related websites, including Vencano and Airycloth which are known scams. The information on these websites also reveal that they are operated from Hong Kong. 

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Stardressy has profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. The Instagram and Pinterest pages are inactive as they contain no posts. The only active social media page is the Facebook profile. The information shows that there are 24 page admins from the Philippines, which itself is suspicious. There are also admins from Hong Kong and China. None of the page admins are from France. The page is also advertising heavily on Facebook.

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The Facebook page is the only place where any contact information has been given, as it contains an email ID that can be used to contact the company. 

User Reviews

There are no customer reviews available for Stardressy, which is a bit surprising considering that it has been running for almost a year and a half. 


There is an extremely high likelihood that Stardressy is a scam. 

It has a Trust Score of 1% on Scamadviser, indicating that it is extremely risky to shop on this website. You can read more about Stardressy’s Trust Score here.

The website is of extremely low quality and the same content is being used on websites that have connections to known scam webshops such as Vencano and Airycloth. The website makes contradictory claims about having been active since 2010 and 2018, even though the domain name has only been registered in July 2019.

The products being sold on the website are also available on another related website called Chicseven and it also shares the same content as Stardressy. We find it highly suspicious that a company would seemingly set up two websites to sell the same products. 

While the website tries to portray itself as being French, the Facebook page data shows that it is being operated from countries such as Philippines, Hong Kong and China. The company information on related websites also suggests that it is run by a company based in Hong Kong. 

While there are no reviews available for Stardressy, it seems to be associated with websites that are known for false advertising, low-quality products and terrible customer services. We would advise against shopping on Stardressy, as it is tremendously likely to be a scam. 

Learn More

Stardressyis one among countless e-commerce stores that originate from Hong Kong and China but try to pass themselves off as being based in North America or Europe. It is important to exercise caution when shopping online to avoid losing your money or ending up unhappy with your purchase. To know more about how you can have a pleasant online shopping experience while ordering from Chinese ecommerce stores, read the article 7 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Chinese Stores.

Read our reviews of other dodgy online clothing stores:

Is Vencano a Scam?
Is a Scam or Legit?
Is a Scam or Legit?
Is a Scam or Legit?
Is a Scam or Legit?

Follow our social media channels for news about the latest scams and tips to stay safe online. We also invite you to join the growing community of scam fighters on our Facebook Group.


This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.

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