November 7, 2023
Author: Adam Collins

Is Legit or a Scam?

Is fake or legit? This has been a common question on ScamAdviser with thousands asking whether they can trust the site. is an online platform that purports to help people earn money by leaving reviews for brands online.

Join us as we uncover everything there is to know about the platform. Let’s jump in and answer the question, is legit or a scam?

How Works

Users are required to sign up to start earning from the platform. Once you sign in, you are prompted to write a review for a website to begin making money. However, it's crucial to recognize that this process raises ethical concerns and can be viewed as a form of review fraud. Many users participating in such a system may not have interacted or transacted with the business in question. As a result, the reviews provided are more likely to be impartial or even dishonest.


In the long run, this kind of incentive-driven review system can mislead potential customers and harm the credibility and trustworthiness of online reviews. When reviews are not genuine and are motivated solely by financial gain, consumers looking for reliable information may find it difficult to make informed decisions.

The Concerning Customer Reviews

Talking of customer reviews, I wanted to find out what the actual users of were saying about the platform. I could only find reviews on Trustpilot and was stunned to see a warning at the top of the page saying, “We’ve detected a number of fake reviews for this company and we’ve removed them.”


This prompted me to check the company activity under Trustpilot where I noted a concerning trend. Nearly all the positive reviews have been in the last two months which is highly unusual.


This suggests that it's highly likely that users are coerced or forced to leave a positive review on TrustPilot.

I also noticed some negative reviews with many of the users complaining that they were unable to withdraw their funds.


Several others also complained that once they tried to make withdrawals, they were met with a “408 Error” message. This seems like a deliberate plan to make it harder for users to withdraw funds. 

Relatively New Website

When checking in ScamAdviser and, I noticed that the website was registered in August 2023.


This relatively recent registration date may raise some concerns or questions about the website's legitimacy and trustworthiness, as newer websites can sometimes be associated with higher risks.

Additionally, they seem to mask the identity of the owners, which can be concerning when evaluating the credibility of the website. When a website's owners or operators remain anonymous, it can make it challenging to establish accountability, should any issues or concerns arise.

Bottom Line: Is Fake or Real

Overall, there are a lot of red flags that make us have doubts about From the moral question of the credibility of the reviews they claim to have to negative customer reviews, it’s highly likely that may be a scam.

Based on what users are saying, it's likely that users can write reviews for the website only for them to have problems withdrawing their earnings. Caution should be exercised when dealing with There are more reliable work online sources of income and job sites out there.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or needs to include relevant information, please contact using this form.

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