June 5, 2023
Author: Adam Colllins

Is Safe or a Scam? is an online store offering a diverse range of products, from stylish kitchen appliances and accessories to camping gear. However, amidst a recent surge in inquiries on ScamAdvser, we set out to determine whether this website can be trusted or if it's a potential scam.

Join us as we meticulously analyze, equipping you with essential information to help you make an informed decision about its legitimacy. Let's embark on this exploration, shall we?

Unveiling the Real Owners of

During our investigation, we discovered something intriguing on the Contact Us page of The listed owner is Meledo Company Limited, which raised our curiosity.



Interestingly, they chose to present this information in the form of an image, potentially making it arduous for users to conduct thorough research on the company.

What piqued our interest further is that Meledo Company Limited has been associated with several dubious websites, including some that we have scrutinized in the past, such as, and

It’s likely that they are part of a larger scam network which is likely to have thousands more websites linking back to this company.



This leads us to suspect that Meledo Company Limited might serve as a shell company employed by fraudsters to mask their true identities.

Questionable Sales Tactics

Upon exploring the product offerings on, we immediately noticed the implementation of certain high-pressure sales tactics. One glaring example is the utilization of a countdown timer, strategically employed to create a sense of urgency, compelling customers to make hasty purchase decisions before time runs out.



Moreover, the website prominently displays a substantial number of people supposedly viewing the same product in real time, subtly applying psychological pressure. 

Additionally, they claim certain items are “Tight Inventory” which adds to the mental pressure. These tactics appear to be desperate attempts to portray legitimacy and coerce customers into making impulsive purchases.

Limited Customer Reviews

Despite claiming that a considerable number of customers—” more than 1 million strong, representing 235 countries and territories” our efforts to find customer reviews proved to be futile. They claim that certain customers embrace them but there is no way of verifying the reviews.



We extensively searched platforms such as Trustpilot, and MyWOT, but came up empty-handed. On ScamAdviser, I found one customer who claims they got something totally different from what they ordered and there is a possibility that the products are from China.



The lack of customer feedback and the negative review exacerbate the already fragile customer confidence in First-hand insights play a pivotal role, particularly in the realm of online shopping, where customers rely on the experiences of others to inform their decisions.

Final Verdict on

Considering the many red flags we have uncovered, there is a substantial likelihood that is likely a scam. The utilization of high-pressure sales tactics aimed at manipulating unsuspecting customers, combined with the negative customer reviews, raises significant concerns about the credibility of this online store. asserts ownership by Meledo Company, which we suspect to be a shell company potentially linked to scammers. In general, customers should exercise caution when contemplating purchases from There are more reputable online marketplaces out there.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form.


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