March 28, 2023
Author: Adam Collins

Is Legit or a Scam? | ScamAdviser

The last thing you want when shopping online is to lose your money. However, scammers are perfectly disguising themselves as legit webshops, making it harder to distinguish scams.

In this review, we will discuss a website that’s been getting much attention on ScamAdviser. The website; offers a lot of products, from duvet covers to sheets to tools. Are they legit or a scam? Let’s find out, shall we?

Gokoayz or Eazer?

One of the first things I noticed is that the domain name and the name appearing on the website are different. The domain name reads Gokoayz but the name Eazer appears on the first page.


As if that’s not enough, they have listed as their email address on the ‘Contact Us’ page. The email domain is again different from the website’s domain name. This is a common scammer move with the sole intention being to confuse the customers and make it hard for you to trace or even reach out. This suggests that is likely a scam.


Part of a Larger Network?

When I Google searched this phrase:  “we have a simple motto: "Our reputation stems from the quality of our products". That's why we do our best to ensure our customers get their favorite products and the after-sales service they deserve”, I was shocked to see it appear on many other websites.


I found 20 websites that not only use the same text but also share a lot of design similarities which could suggest that Gokoayz is part of a larger network of scam websites.

High-Pressure Sales Tactics

I noticed that the site is using high-pressure sales tactics to force customers, albeit unknowingly, to buy its products. For starters, they claim there are a huge number of people “currently browsing our store” which is hard to verify. They also include a timer to mentally pressure you into buying a product before the so-called offer ends.


To complete the hat trick, they include a pop-up to show a customer's purchased items. The main aim of these high-pressure sales tactics is to make you rush into buying a product before the offer ends.. This is usually done by scammers to target impulse buyers.

What Customers Said

I found quite a number of reviews on ScamAdviser that are mostly negative, with many complaining of never getting the products they ordered. One such customer claims that they bought a product for Christmas and never received it.


Others claim that their packages were sent to the wrong destination and requests for refunds have proven futile. 


Exaggerated Site Age

According to the information in their “About Us” section, they claim that they have been serving the “community for more than 16 years.”


However, when I checked when the domain was registered on ScamAdviser, I was shocked to see the domain was registered in November 2022. Why would a business lie about its age you ask? Well, it turns out that the older a site is, the more likely it's going to be legit. This is why scammers exaggerate the site’s age as they look more reliable.


Bottom Line

Overall, there is a high likelihood that may be a scam. There are a lot of characteristics that overlap with scam websites. The content seemed to match, word for word, with 20 other websites, while they also lie about how long the site has been around. 

The domain name and emails don’t match and there is a different brand name mentioned on the site. The customer reviews are generally negative with many of the customers complaining of never getting their orders. 

Caution should be exercised when shopping at are more reputable shopping sites out there.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form

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