August 18, 2023
Author: Adam Collins

Is a Scam or Legit? Everything You Kneed to Know

Is a scam? This has been a common question on ScamAdviser with many wondering whether they can trust this store. In the vast landscape of online shopping, where convenience is king, finding trustworthy retailers becomes a paramount concern. is an e-commerce platform offering a range of accessories including watches, chains, rings, armbands, and sunglasses, but is it legit or another cleverly disguised scam? Let’s find out, shall we?

When was Started? An Age Discrepancy Raises Eyebrows

On their website, boldly say that their company started back in 2005 as a small jewelry business in a mall kiosk. They claim it's a family-owned company based in Los Angeles, CA. This story makes them seem like a well-established and trustworthy business.


But here's the catch: when I checked the official website, which keeps track of website registrations, we found something surprising.'s website was actually registered in 2020, not in 2005.


This difference raises some doubts. Scammers often lie about how old their businesses are to make people believe them more. The year 2020 is not the same as 2005 at all, and this does little to boost user confidence in

Mixed Customer Reviews: A Puzzle of Authenticity

When I checked for reviews on popular sites such as ScamAdviser and Trustpilot, I was met with mixed feelings. On ScamAdviser, the store has an overall rating of 1.5/5 stars, while on Trustpilot, the Feogi averages a 3.6-star rating. On ScamAdviser, one of the users remarked, “Sembra bigiotteria di bassa qualità… per me non vale un decimo del prezzo. Un girocollo è arrivato rotto con solo tre pietre su otto del ciondolo e il girocollo tutto storto e appiccicoso per la colla con cui hanno attaccato i brillantini.”


This translates to “Looks like low-quality costume jewelry…not worth a tenth of the price to me. One choker arrived broken with only three out of eight stones in the pendant, and the choker was all crooked and sticky from the glue they attached the glitter to.”


Another user laments, “Arnaque ce sont des produits AliExpress à 2€ vendu 150€ par Feogi” which translates to “Scam these are AliExpress products at 2€ sold 150€ by Feogi

On Trustpilot, several users are claiming they got what they ordered, though there is a customer who is complaining the products took too long to arrive. Another customer is also questioning whether the products are authentic. 


Here's where it gets interesting. On's own site, they have lots of amazing reviews. These reviews make it look like everyone's over the moon with their stuff. However, there is no way of verifying the reviews, which does little for user confidence, especially knowing that fake reviews can be used to manipulate potential customers.


The Missing Phone Number: Communication Conundrum

Let's talk about how you can get in touch with While an email address is offered as a means of communication, the absence of a phone number is conspicuous. attributes this omission to the ongoing impact of Covid-19, claiming that phone support is currently unavailable.


However, with the pandemic receding in many parts of the world, this justification appears flimsy at best and raises further doubts about the legitimacy of the business.

Final Verdict: Is a Scam or Legit? 

There are a lot of red flags that are hard to ignore on There are things that don't quite match up, like when they started and when their website was made. Different reviews from different places make us unsure about what to believe. The missing phone number doesn't help either. Because of all this, we have unresolved doubts about

Exercise caution while shopping here, as there are more reliable and reputable online marketplaces out there. 

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or needs to include relevant information, please contact using this form.

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