July 15, 2024
Author: Adam Collins

Is Legit or a Scam? has been popular on ScamAdviser with many users wondering whether it's fake or real. Well, this has prompted us to do an in-depth analysis to help you know all there is to know about and whether it's real or fake. is a blog site focusing on several topics including earning money online and coin mining bots. However, are they legit or a scam? Let’s find out, shall we?

Domain Redirections: or has raised suspicions by redirecting visitors to, despite its original domain name. This domain-switching tactic is often a red flag, commonly used by dubious websites to evade detection and maintain an appearance of legitimacy. Such redirections can be indicative of underlying issues, such as potential scams or attempts to mislead visitors. Users must exercise caution and thoroughly investigate any site employing these practices to avoid falling victim to possible fraudulent activities.

What is all About? is a blog that covers a wide range of topics, from new crypto mining bots to government projects. It is a place for people interested in technology and policy to find the latest news and insights. The blog also talks about new and risky ventures like the Hamster Kommbat Coin, which haven't started yet. This can expose readers to both exciting opportunities and potential dangers, highlighting the need for careful and informed choices in the fast-changing digital world.

When Was Registered?

According to and ScamAdviser, was registered in June 2024 making it barely a month old when writing this review.


Though this does little to inspire confidence, it does not necessarily mean it’s a scam. Newer websites are harder to trust as there is limited information out there.

Everything you need to know about

I noticed that does not have any contact information displayed. Though this is a blog, contact information, usually displayed on the Contact Us page, needed to be included. Reaching out to becomes even harder considering there are no social media buttons I could find on their website. In the age where social media is helping websites and blogs reach more people, I was stunned does not harness this.

How to Know a Scam Website

Identifying a scam website can be challenging, but several key indicators can help you spot one:

Too Good To Be True

If a website offers deals or returns that seem unbelievably generous, it's a major red flag. Scammers often use enticing offers to lure in unsuspecting victims. Always be wary of offers that promise extraordinary benefits for minimal effort or investment.

Check the Small Print (Terms & Policies)

Legitimate websites will have clear and detailed terms and conditions, privacy policies, and return policies. If these documents are missing, poorly written, or difficult to find, it's a sign that the website may not be trustworthy. Always take the time to read the small print before making any transactions.

Are the Reviews Reliable?

Scam websites often feature fake reviews to build credibility. Check for consistency in the reviews—genuine feedback tends to have a mix of positive and negative comments. Be cautious of overly positive reviews without any criticism, as they might be fabricated. Additionally, look for reviews from multiple sources outside the website itself.

Is it Impersonating Any Brand?

Scammers frequently create websites that mimic the look and feel of well-known brands to deceive customers. Check the URL for any slight variations from the official brand’s web address. Also, verify any contact information provided to ensure it matches the brand's official contact details. If in doubt, visit the official brand's website directly and compare it with the one you are examining.

Read more on our article on How to recognize a scam website

Bottom Line: Is a Scam?

Overall, we could not find anything that definitively suggests is a scam. While the blog does discuss high-risk topics like emerging cryptocurrencies, there is no concrete evidence indicating fraudulent activity. However, the lack of contact information and social media presence is concerning and makes it difficult to establish trust. Additionally, the fact that redirects visitors to raises further suspicions, as domain switching can be a tactic used by dubious websites to evade detection. As always, exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any online platform.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or needs to include relevant information, please contact using this form.

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