October 27, 2021
Author: Nichlaus O.

How to Report a Fake LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a platform for professionals to connect with each other. Unlike Facebook, it is not necessary that you may have met a new LinkedIn connection in real life already. This allows scammers to blend in among legitimate professionals and pretend to be someone they are not.

One way con artists and scammers thrive on LinkedIn is by creating professional profiles with false credentials. Such profiles are then used to create connections and run scams on unsuspecting victims. The most common of these are profiles of fake investors/ entrepreneurs and impostor employers who target start-ups with capital-raising LinkedIn Scams. 

The professional thing to do is to check a profile for authenticity before accepting a  new connection. 

Reporting a Fake LinkedIn Business Profile

Should you come across a fake LinkedIn profile, report it to the site by following these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to LinkedIn.

2. Navigate to the fake business profile.

3. Click on the “more” button on their profile just below their name. 


4. Select the last option on the drop down list - “Report/Block”


5. You will get the following options. Select the top option: “Report content on profile.” 


6. You will get the next option below. Select “profile information” to continue. 


7. In the options that appear select the top option: “Suspicious, spam or fake”. 


8. Lastly, select “fake account”, then click submit. There you go, it’s done!

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