September 6, 2021
Author: Cybersafe Foundation

EazyMobile ( An Appraisal is an online platform that claims it “offers economical payment of Utility Bills, Airtime To Cash, Data Purchase, Money Transfer, Airtime Top-up, Buying And Selling Of Bitcoin, Investment Plan, and all Telecom needs, either on a recurring or one-time basis.” Of all the previous services listed, the “Investment plan was what caught our attention. A section on their homepage showcasing their services also has a blurb about their investment service.

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Information concerning their investment plan was not readily available on their website, so we decided to check out their social media handle to see if anything of interest could be found there. Out of the four social media links listed on their website, non was functional except the link to their Twitter handle. A perusal of their Twitter account shows it was a personal account before being converted to several business accounts. A Tweet from 2018 shows it was called Ogojesu Modest Data with the numbers 08110391505 and 08166327382 listed.

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Later on, in 2019 we find flies of EazyMoble and in 2020 a Tweet about “Eazy Global Solution.”

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A search of Eazy Global Solutions on Facebook led to their Facebook page where we found a flier of their investment proposition.

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They were offering a 10% return on investment for every 25 days which translates to 146% per annum. This is an outrageous figure, especially when compared to prevailing market rates and the CBN monetary rate which is 11.5% per annum. Looking at the flier, we see the company registration number listed as RC 3062123. A search for the company name on the Corporate Affairs Commission’s website shows that the Number 3062123 is a registered business name and not an incorporated company.

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The search also revealed that the company upgraded its status to an incorporated entity on the 18th of August 2021.

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So from April 2, 2020, when the flier was posted till August 18, 2020, Eazy Global Solutions has been running an investment scheme with just a Business Name. This means they carried on without any form of regulatory compliance or oversight. Also, on the flier, we again see the number 08166327382, first seen on the flier from their Twitter post. A google search shows this number on a pdf document on another website


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Perusing we see that it is a replica of and both are offering the same services.



From the foregoing, it is safe to say that both websites are being run by the same entity or the owners of both websites know each other and have some sort of relationship.

Putting it all together, given that Eazy Global Solutions just recently got incorporated and shows no evidence of regulatory approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission, and ran their investment scheme for more than a year with just a business name, we warn all to stay clear of their investment package. Another thing worthy of note is to be wary of businesses that offer investment schemes as one of their service packages. They might be using their other authentic businesses to confer legitimacy on an otherwise fraudulent investment scheme. Do not be swayed by huge returns on investments and always do your due diligence.

This article is from Cybersafe Foundation, Nigeria.

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