December 4, 2023
Author: Scam Killers

DailyMines, Thedm, Thedmfarms, Mydmfarms Exposé - Part 1

We have been sitting on our investigation into this “Cloud Mining” “Company” for awhile.

We sit no longer. Here is Part 1 of our Investigation into this .

“The People”


Dailymines is claiming to be a Cloud Crypto Mining Service. What it actually is, is an elaborate MLM PONZI SCAM.

It was started by the CEO “Wesley Remington“. I’ve attached a screenshot of the entire team. Let's just say, there is no team.
Willow Roberts, Emmett Walker, Kelley Ford, and Teagen Norris are all regular actors for a Film Production company called “Filmsworldproductions“

Here is the Facebook Page.

If you have a look through some of their past work, you’ll notice the office location they use sometimes looks like the interior of the DAILYMINES office.

You’ll also notice the actors mentioned above in various roles.

The Dailymines Office Tour Video and all original Team member photos and videos were all RECORDED IN EARLY 2023 IN VENEZUELA. This was a half-day film shoot, the actors read from Teleprompters and had no idea what they were promoting until they turned up. This is important because Dailymines claims to be based in the UK and the OFFICE TOUR VIDEO is supposedly in the UK too. Here is a backup link to the video, Here.

Another “Team Member” Dean Thomas is also from Venezuela. His real name is NOT Dean Thomas and he has never seen any of the team again after the original Video shoot.

Team member Heather Wright, also from Venezuela, and that’s not her real name. She declined to comment when approached.

Nicolas Garcia, Ekaterinas, and Anastasia are all PAID SPOKESPERSONS FROM FIVERR. We have reached out to them and told them all about the Dailymines scam, yet they continue to promote this company.
Nicolas can be found here on Fiverr.

Dailymines appears to have a large following with Celebrities

These people have all done an Endorsement.
Michael Essien, David Arquette, Granit xhaka, Giorgio Chiellini. And what do they all have in common?
They are all on the Platform.

And these are paid Endorsements


Speaking of Paid endorsements
This “Happy Customer Testimonial” is actually a paid shill by Mark Bowen. He does lots of work like this. He can also be found on Fiverr.


This happy customer?

Another Fake. This is a stock photo. I won’t give her name, but a simple reverse image search will bring you plenty of results.

mine-4-3e82e.png mine-5-07314.png

Another fake. Another stock photo.

That ends PART 1 “The People”

We are not saying that the people mentioned above started the scam. And with the exception of those 3 Fivver actors who are still actively promoting Dailymines, we are not saying they have done any wrong.

What we are saying is that all the Faces of Dailymines appear to be LIES.


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