September 6, 2022
Author: Adam Collins Review: Is it a Legit or a Scam?

With an influx of online shopping stores, there is bound to be an increase of shopping scams. Thus, when a web shop appears on the most-searched list on ScamAdviser, we are curious to found out more about it. is an e-commerce store that focuses on fashion products. But is it a scam or legit store? Join us as we analyze the website.

When was the site started?

Older sites are less likely to be dubious as compared to new sites. The longer a site has been online, the more chances people have had to interact with it. Don’t get us wrong, new sites can be legit and vice versa, but they need to do a lot of convincing. claims to have been started in October 2016 which would make the site over 6 years old.


But on, we can see that the site was registered in November 2021. This is a very common trick used by scammers who try to make their website appear older than it is. They want to lure unsuspecting customers to believing they have been operating for many years.

Who owns the website?

The owners of a website are quite important as customers can know who is behind the store and idea. Under the Contact Us Page, claims its owned by Hario Trading Company and is registered in the UK. This is another common trick used by scammers who add a host of dubious websites under one registered company.


On Companies House, the UK’s official company register, it can be observed that Hario Trading is owned by two Chinese nationals.

czoval-3-c1e07.png could be a part of large syndicate of fake Chinese webshops who use shell companies registered in the UK to mask their real identity.

Poorly edited texts

Any legit website will use the services of a content editor to ensure every bit of their website is well-polished. But with, there are a lot of grammatical mistakes and poorly edited texts.


It shows the site was hurriedly created and there was no double checking to avoid such amateurish errors. 

The Facebook Page has an active social media presence and the link buttons at the bottom of the pages are working. On the Facebook Page, it shows that the page is run from a batch of Asian countries like China, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam.


There is no mention of page managers being from  the UK or Europe, where the company is registered. Again, the page information shows that it was created in March 2022, which further damages their claim that the web store was started in 2016.



Overall, there are a lot of characteristics on that we see commonly in scams. The company behind the claims to be registered in England but the Directors are Chinese nationals. Again, this is quite common with many dubious webshops from China.

The site is poorly edited and the Facebook page is run by people in Asia. The site is barely a year old but they claim to have started in 2016.

Buyers should be cautious while shopping at There are many other trustworthy web shops where buyers can buy clothes and accessories.

This article has been written by a scam fighter volunteer. If you believe the article above contains inaccuracies or is missing relevant information, please contact using this form

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